Sound quality vs. Mood

I've been trying to get a handle on why my system sounds so much better some times than others. The most common explanation would probably implicate the quality of my power. That could very well be and as soon as I can afford to experiment, that's what I'm going to focus on. However, I've always suspected that mood has a huge effect - maybe the largest effect - on subjective sound quality. Any thoughts?
I agree ... sound is in our brains not our equipment. The way we perceive things changes with moods, fatigue, time of day. I suspect this effect is also responsible for much of the "burn in time" required on solid state electronics.
I absolutely agree. Once the components and cables become constant in your setup, other variables such as quality of power, outside noises and personal state of mind greatly affect the musical experience. However, when all are in concert it is an amazing and enjoyable experiience.

My system always sounds best in early morning and late evening. Yes, many people would write that off to the quality of power running through my house at the time, but in the mornings I wake up fresh and eager and in the evenings after a hard day at the office I'm ready to unwind and relax. So I think in both cases my mental state is in one of relaxation and acceptance of the upcoming listening experience. During the middle of the day I'm probably less relaxed and have too much on my mind.
For me, things always sound better at night. I heard once that there is less electricity used at night time. No big corporations sucking all the power. Which would explain better sound at night. I definitely agree with moods. My system does change depending on how I feel.