Active crossovers

There's an abundance of info and opinions on just about every topic under the sun in audio, down to the smallest minutiae.

I have problem finding opinions on active crossovers and which sound good, or not. Or which offer good bang for the bucks. Or whether tubed crossovers are better than SS.

So what's the skinny on this?

Oh, and I'd like to ad a Stupid Crossover Question of my own:
The XO will match the levels of the low/high amps, but each amp will have a different sensitivity. Would you have to match the amp levels each time you change the volume?

Guys, you are great!

Couldn't find info on the Krell. I need SE, not balanced. What does the Krell provide?
Any other especific xo's to look for?
As per Rives, looked up Marchand, saw the XM9L for $400. How's this model?

The Bryston 10 seems to go for 1200 or so, the Krell for 1500 (used on these).

The Marchand is quite good. Some have indicated it's better sounding than the Bryston, but I have to admit I have never done a direct comparison. I think it's fair to say that $ for $ it's probably the best out there. If your budget allows for more, then it's difficult to tell which unit is best. As to the Krell, they did have some 60 Hz noise problems at one time. Perhaps that has been fixed, but if I'm not mistaken they quit making the KBX some time ago and getting the boards for the various cross-over points might be difficult. You should look into this carefully before going that route for sure.
Pardon my ignorance. I'm not even sure if this is the proper thread for my question, as it's not related to specific active cross-overs. Some speaker maufacurers compensate for time (distance), phase and even impedance via thier cross-over designs. I would guess that using mulitiple amps would negate the impedance issues but how about time and phase?
here's a curve ball:

Any thoughs on using the Innersound bass amp from the new Eros?
Roger told me he can change th xo point to anything I want.

It also includes a remote volume control; 600 wpc.

Anybody know how crossover-less Gallo Ref's would factopr into eqauation.They have no X-over persay on a supplied Cap that can be inserted between Bi-wire posts.