Rogue Owners Unite

Hello Rogue Owners. The goal of this thread is to let Rogue owners discuss the tubes they have tried in their amps/preams and discuss other tweeks that have been implemented with success. It would also be nice if you'd post your system components to help us compare notes.
Nice thread, all Greek to me right now, but I'm getting a pair of M120 Magnums to replace the defunct Spectron M2 so it'll eventually all make sense.
Let's see how this tube thing goes...

KP, as I recall you use Von Schweikerts. The M120 Magnums sound great with my VR5. Think you're in for a treat. Just be careful taking them out of the box - they each weigh 2-3 times a Spectron.
Brad ,I did in fact have the Maggies and they were very good speaker, they didn`t fit the room as well as I wanted {WAF}, you what I mean,plus the low end was not what I wanted either. I sold them and bought Innersound Isis, these are great speakers .I have them also on Audiogon too, to pay upcomming taxes, but have found the money to pay it , so maybe I won`t have to sell them.Now the upgrade will cost $250 I`m sure Mark will do the fuse for you while its up the for the Magnum mod, the tubes will set you back about $30 to $40.The next thing I`m going to do is buy the Zero autotransfomer to help drive my speakers with the Rogue amp, the amp should sound a whole lot better driving a high impedence load than a low one, I`ll let you all know how this turns out. Don`t buy the sub yet, this autofomer may help the bass alot. Greg
That's right Grandpad. Glad to hear your combo works well. I'm really looking forward to these behemoths.

I converted a stock 88 to a Magnum 88. It turned into a new amp. Besides being more extended and detailed (by quite a bit) It was also much more robust and dynamic. (Something I should make clear was my old 88 needed tubes before I upgraded it.) Still it was a smashing success. The best time to upgrade is when you need tubes (if Rogue puts in the tubes you want to live with - mine came with Electro Harmonex 6550s.)