Rogue Owners Unite

Hello Rogue Owners. The goal of this thread is to let Rogue owners discuss the tubes they have tried in their amps/preams and discuss other tweeks that have been implemented with success. It would also be nice if you'd post your system components to help us compare notes.
Well, I've had my 99 Magnum for a few weeks now and it's really starting to sound good. I really like the option of the variable gain. However, I wish I could adjust the setting between the 2nd & 3rd setting. Is it possible to adjust this? Thanks.
Got my 88 amp back from Rogue several days ago after having the Magnum upgrade done. Although I am still burning it in it appears that the 88 Magnum upgrade has had much more impact than the Magnum upgrade done on my 66 preamp. While I was very pleased with the 66 upgrade I am overwhelmed as to how much improvement it made with the 88. My next move is to upgrade my speaker cables and interconnects. I have a Meridian 508.24 cdp and Spendor SP100's speakers. My current speaker cables are Audioquest Indigo+, interconnects are Audioquest Vipers. Any suggestions?
Precbsed, have you tried the Rogue 99 pre? I hear it is much better than the 66. I am using the 66 Magnum right now and I love it.
I noticed that there is a audible distortion/hum coming out of my right channel. Could this be the power supply issue others have posted about, or might it be a tube going bad? By the way, I have the Rogue 66. Is one tube for the left and one tube for the right channel? Any suggestions where this might be coming from? Thanks
Buckingham, no I haven't heard the 99 but I have a sneaking suspicion that I will soon. When does it ever stop?