Nordost ECO 3 Static Inhibitor anyone?

Just picked up a bottle of this stuff and was wondering if anyone out there has tried it?

The sales people say to spray it on cds and they will sound better. I noticed a residue left behind on the disc, could this be the intent? The directions on the bottle don't mention cds just cables.

That's right it says to wipe down your cables to prevent static. The web site isn’t much better at telling me what to do with the product above and beyond wiping down my cables.

I sent a note to Nordost asking if it was OK to douse my cds, they haven't got back to me yet.

I'm not sure if this stuff works or not

I think I'm, wait a minute, yep, I'm confused.
Right Glen - you spray the Endust on a blue lintfree paper towel & use that to clean faceplates, video display screens, you name it. Also for application to the label side of CD's it does improve the sound of some, but not others. I've used it on cables as well.
the best stuff to use on components is rubbing alcholol!
endust atrracts the dust, and builds up.
NO NO NO rubbing alcohol - contains Lanolin - an oil
THE WORST thing you could possibly abuse your equipment with
Bob, tell that to Madrigal, they use it ALL the time. All my customers take my advise on Rubbing Alcohol, and was amazed. blows away endust and it alot cheaper, cleans better, preserves and protects. i would advise people in this forum to try and will see what i mean. for your cables eco3 the ticket!

, have you try on a vinyle LP ?  If you spray on  speaker cable can we spray also on interconnect ?