Sounds like Terry Pratchetts DISC WORLD novels.
Just like this world??
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Sounds like Terry Pratchetts DISC WORLD novels.
Just like this world??
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Ever wonder why things are screwed up?
Just for fun (and this one's real)... when you travel by rail from China to Mongolia, at the Mongolian border there is a "brief" stop of several hours. Why? They run the train into a warehouse, jack the cars up several feet, roll the trucks out, run another set in on a slightly different gauge, and then let the cars back down on the trucks. The story told is that the Chinese specifically made their gauge different than the one the Russians used in order to make invasion more difficult. Whether for the same reason or not, French and Spanish gauges are different and one is obliged to change trains near the border when going long haul between countries. |
Detlof, Never learned so much in so little time?? Does this include those nuggets of received wisdom we all carry around, ready to cite at the drop of a hat, such as: we use only 10% of our brains; you must drink 8 glasses of water per day to stay healthy; 80% of our body heat is lost through our heads; ice-cubes freeze faster if you make them with hot water; or if you put enough monkeys with typewriters in a room they will eventually reproduce the complete works of William Shakespeare? And since this is an audiophile site, we can add: Bose makes the best sound systems available--anything more expensive is just a waste of money! Please see my post from 7-30-02 (above) or check out this link: Railroad Gauge: The Evolution of Railroad Standard Gauge or, Roman Chariots + Railroad Standards = Horse Poop and let us know what you think. |