What do you think about this idea for the FORUMS??

Hello everybody,
While I was at work today going about my business I thought about how nice it would be to be able to click on a link to a user's "Virtual System" under a forum thread post. Currently, when you click on the member name link under the post it brings you to a page that shows you links to the user's email, bio, forum threads, items for sale and feedback. Why not add a link to the user's Virtual System? It would be very helpful to know what kind of system the user has when reading his/her comments.
If you think this would be a good idea please write your comments and maybe Audiogon will implement it. Thanks, Eric.
THANK YOU !!! We do appreciate all of the effort that you "behind the scenes" A-goner's do for us. Sorry if i sounded like a "whiney brat" : ) Now all we have to do is get in the habit of taking advantage of this new feature and encourage others to do so also.

I'd also like to say THANK YOU again for arranging it the way that you did i.e. opening the link in a separate window. MUCH more convenient in the long run. Sean
Am I missing something? Is there no direct way to the Systems forum other than through a member's system?? I can't seem to find a page with the "Systems" link on it...

Anyhow, I posted my system...
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