The Amp Quits Agin -- Am I Missing Something?

I have a 4b-ST I left on for about 4 hours Friday night only to return to find that one of the channels had died in my absence. While I was gone, the system was on, but not being used. I haven't really investigated at all to guess what may be wrong, other than to determine that that CD player and the preamp are still working fine. The left channel on the Bryston seems to be working fine, as does my left speaker. The right channel, however, appears to be completely dead (even the left LED is dead) and I have no idea what may or may not have happened to my left speaker. I'd love to not have to send the amp back to the shop (again, it was there in February for a muting switch) and am hoping that I might have missed something obvious. Any thouhgts? Thanks.
Sounds like a plan. Many thanks. The thing's not set to bridged (yes, it was the first thing I checked, all the while asking myself how, sitting in a room by itself, it could have switched itself to bridged but checking it none the less). I'll have to have a gander at those fuses when I get home. I've corresponded with James Tanner before and there's no doubt about it, he's one of the good ones.
If a check of the fuses yields nothing, then I would try swapping the input leads from the preamp between channels, to make sure it's not an upstream problem. I would also swap your speaker leads to make sure the speaker on the dead channel didn't suffer damage, or that the speaker itself is not the problem. Good luck!
Ok, color me frustrated, but how do you get the stinkin' lid off of the thing to check the fuses in the first place? I've got star wrenches, allen wrenches, screw drivers of every stripe, not to mention a whole array of other assorted implements, and Bryston has to come up with yet another means of performing the simple task of screwing a lid on. Anyone know the name and size of this the latest single-use piece of equipment I need to find?