Rogue Owners Unite

Hello Rogue Owners. The goal of this thread is to let Rogue owners discuss the tubes they have tried in their amps/preams and discuss other tweeks that have been implemented with success. It would also be nice if you'd post your system components to help us compare notes.
Hello new on this forum but have been a rogue owner and audiogon member for ten years or so. After a bad tube and reading some Super Magnum info I've taken my M120 and 99 into rogue for some repair and updating. The 99 is going from magnum to Super mag, but not sure about the M120 they can get repaired but if I'm going to update now would be the time. So question would be who's compared the 120 to 150 and or the 180. and what are your thoughts on the differences . The ONLY compliant have had with any of the Rogue gear is how hard the M120s are on tubes I've had some very pricey tubes go bad prematurely and while it could be 100% on the tubes quality control. I have to wonder if the amps would be a bit easier on them could I still have those great sounding Tesla (KR-KT88) (now known as EAT).
Genelex Gold Lion KT-77's to replace the stock Svetlana EL-34's in my Cronus (non-Magnum Version.) Wonderful improvement.
I have heard each of the amps you mentioned. The 180s are quieter and faster than the 150s, and are a significant upgrade. It's been too long since I heard the 120s to comment.
I just had my 99 preamp upgraded from magnum to Super Magnum. A little more quiet with better detail.

I use Quicksilver v-4 amps. Very easy on tubes as well as sounding great.
V4s have always been on my short list of wish to own. I had the Quick silfer line stage and KT88s prior to the Rogues Nice Tube sound , compared to rogues "CrossOver" sound .
Just ordered the 99 Upgrade and decided on the 180s so we shall see.