Rules on Review...

HI AuGoNers. since i am fairly new to this hobby and very interested on readding reviews on items.the thing i am a little confuse about is,seem like most of the reviews are good reviews.seem like every one think the itemthey are reviewing worth more then what it there a rule out there that one can not do a bad review? how come i dont see any review that tell us a certain item is so bad that we should not bother with it?.i am not just talking about the reviews on audiogon.. the 1 on magazines are also included.if any one have any link to a bad review please post it up,so i can see it..thanks
I've auditioned Joseph RM33i sigs(about 40min trying to find the music they can play or volumes they're good at but sorry couldn't) in the dealer's room and fairly saying I realy "pooed" on this product and said it only worth some DJ JBL speakers but not more. I can with no doubdt say that Vandys 1C(I can say that I sometimes miss them) which 10x cheaper sound much more pleasant i bet with any suitable electronics.
The same thing I would say(or at least would refuse to say something at all) even to MFG because even if the will ofer me 10k I will not stand saying lies and publishing them; I'd better go to the manufacturer that I realy belive and hear this product is great. In this case before the speaker is realy shown with its price and looks it has to be auditioned ONLY WITH EARS i.e. with eyes tied and with no knowlege about the price. That could be done by contacting an audiofiles to visit the dealer's listening room to audition whatever speaker that costs whatever price with tied eyes and than say honest things about it.

I've even heard more junk such as AudioNote CDT Zero with MSB Link III, OCM amp that my 2 ears(and I'd add a head) did not appreciate. Becides my 2 ears I want to listen to the music as long as possible with no fatigue whatsoever and certainly I would not buy neither CDT Zero nor MSB Link III with all its high-tech 21st century features.

Whatever conserns personal home electronics everyone i believe in all logical sence the equipment that suits the system and overall sounds nice to the owner.
I'll exchange my views freely in a thread especially if someone has posted a question. I've posted reviews on in the past, but I've stopped because overall I feel I don't have enough experience with different gear. The only review I think that was helpful to others was the one I posted for Boltz racks when there wasn't a single one on AudioReview. When I first got bit by "the bug" I was excited to share my impressions of my toys, but now I realize that those reviews may not have been the most helpful to other people.

I think an objective mind and being able to list a lot of gear in the "similar products used" catagory goes a long way. Kind of tough sometimes in this very unobjective hobby.

I must add that I did enjoy Twl's review of the David Berning Co MicroZOTL Tube amp and the follow up discussion. Very good!
Thats for sure,there are no bad reviews ,just various degrees of good reviews.
Occasionally you can read between the lines and pick up little bits of info..good or bad ..about a particular product.I continue to read reviews on anything that I buy and still find them very valuable.

How can you rely on your 2 ears when everything now has the
frequently mentioned and also used by dealers/manufacturers as an excuse."BURN IN PERIOD"
I have auditioned many pieces of equipment,in my own home,only to bring it back stating my dislike for it.
The excuse I get..but there is a " BURN IN PERIOD" it will only get better.My answer is and what if it doesn't?
So thats one scenerio that your 2 ears would let you down.
Thats when discussions,like this one, and reviews help.
Also I want to know about,reliability,service,compatibility,
etc before I make any decision.
One piece of equipment I have auditioned ,sounded absolutely fabulous..when it worked.
Because I am very isolated,I depend on reviews and discussions ,for direction as to what equipment is worth auditioning.
Don't get me wrong,your 2 ears are very important in making a decision but whats between those ears is just as important.
Ohlala, I'm not sure what your saying. I'm assuming it has to do with the reviews I've written so far are very favorable of the equipment I own. I have tried to be clear regarding equipment I've used that was not as good in my system.

In the future I and others (hopefully all of us) will be reviewing other equipment that is not part of "our" reference systems. I am in the process of evaluating a Cary 300B amp right now. I would be further along except one of the tubes needs replacing. That will be the first of a few less than flattering things I've found when compared to my system.

The intent I had was to first write a review of all my equipment. This is background for future reviews. Audiogon is trying to promote others to do the same so that equipment can be reviewed with no strings attached. I believe we at Audiogon have the oprutunity to be the first "honest" review site using the increadable depth of knowledge we have here. I incourage everyone to particapate.