Aurios Pro or Symphosium Rollerblock 2 ?

Do you have any experience or recommendation Aurios Pro or
Symphosium Rollerblock 2 for the best sound isolation
components Amps,Preamp,CD,Turntable,Tuner,Speakers.

My system is: CAT SL1, CAT JL2, Simon Yorke turntable, Graham 2.2 arm, Benz micro LP cartridge, Audio Aero Capitole CD player, Sequerra FM Reference Tuner, Runco LD, Audio Physic Avanti 3 speakers, Audio Physic Minos Sub, Cardas interconnects and speaker cables, Sound Anchor Rack, and Symphosium shelves Ultra.
I have the Symposium series 2 rollerblocks under everything, cdp, amp, pre and conditioner. I put a double stacked set under my cdp , and yes the second set made a substancial difference.

Since you already have Symposium shelves, it makes sense to get their rollerblocks as well.I would take the BDR cones that come with the Audio Areo off and place the first set of rollerblocks there.