The folks that make the Soprano's called up Donna at SOTA and asked if they would lend them a TT for that show. They promised them that it would be shown in the show and that it would specifically be mentioned as being a SOTA. As it turns out, Kirk & Donna shipped a table out to them, but when it came time to do the show, the video was cut. They did say "Wow, is that a SOTA turntable" though without showing it. Needless to say, Kirk & Donna weren't as happy as they would have been with some visuals to go with the name mention, but they did get a few calls and greater exposure out of it.
This tells me that Hollyweird is aware of this type of gear and "audiophilia" on the whole, but whether or not it makes it into any shows on a regular basis is another story. Manufacturers would have to donate gear for the exposure and unless it is used in a high profile show and is prominently displayed in a fashion that delivers high visibility, the cost of the gear may outweigh the limited exposure received. After all, if they simply panned by a bunch of gear in a rack, what other than Mac's blue meters, etc... would you recognize at a glance ??? Sean