SPL meter recommendation

I don't own a handheld SPL meter and would like to get one. The only one we ever seem to read about is a Radio Shack model that's nice and cheap, but is always referred to as being not that accurate. (From what I can tell, it may not even come with any type of calibration disk, but I'm not sure about that). Without going crazy expensive, are there any up-a-level alternatives out there that might give even better results and come equipped with diagnostic tools? Or is there nothing in between the RS and full-on pro-caliber or remote-mic jobs?
Indirectly related; Rives Audio, an Audiogon dealer, recently auctioned off 40 system/room testing CD-Rs with test tones that are specifically calibrated for the analog Radio Shack SPL meter. I bid and got one for adjusting the bass controls on my Vandersteen 5 speakers, but haven't used it yet-- seems like an excellent idea though, and would have many in-room acoustic uses. If interested, Rives may be selling these routinely too. Cheers. Craig
........it seems Lak and I were posting at the same time. Do great minds run along similar lines?;>). Craig
At the risk of starting another analog vs. digital battle, does the RS digital SPL meter suffer from the same inaccuracies as the analog version? Any reasons to buy the analog instead of the digital version?