Advice wanted

I am a music lover, but not an audiophile. I have an old KLH Model 20 (AM/FM/Phono with KLH floor speaker) that recently died - one channel has died, as well as the turntable. I am looking to put together a new system. I want a 2 channel system, since I expect to never want 5 channel, multi-room sound.

I want to keep the KLH speakers because I think they are good enough for my purposes. Altough I would prefer to have a system with a remote, I have been thinking about getting a Marantz 2270 on eBay. For a CD player, I have wondered about getting a Sony SCD-C222ES at eBay and using it solely for 2 channel purposes. I have no idea what kind of turnable to get, but I have a lot of records that I want to continue playing.

I'm sure it is obvious that (1) I don't know what I am doing, (2) I don't know what components would be well matched into a compatible system, (3) my taste and budget are not in the direction of a sophisticated, complex, exotic, or expensive solution. I want a system that will be a pleasure to listen to good music on. I will welcome all suggestions about how to proceed, no matter is what direction, or how different they may be with my current thinking.

Thank you in advance for your good advice and suggestions.
Thanks, Phasecorrect. I'm impressed with the consensus that has appeared speaking favorably about the Linn Classik as a solution. Where would you recommend looking for used ones? $800 sounds like a great price. Is that a realistic guess?

Last weekend I listened to a B&K PT5 with a B&K ST-2140 that sounded very good to me. That would take me down the path to building a system of separates, which I had up till now been trying to avoid.
The Linn classik appears on this site with some frequency...although u will have to add a phono stage and cables...which will put it closer to a grand...and if u are serious about the Linn...I would upgrade your speakers...
Phasecorrect -

Thanks again for the advice. Since our last exchange I have checked on this site, and you are right. It seems like these Linn Classiks go like hotcakes. I'll have to be on my toes.

I'm also looking on eBay for a used turnable. I see an ad for an old Yamaha YP-B2 for a less than $50 that claims to be in excellent condition. I don't know anything about them. What are your thoughts about that?
For a cheap TT...check Carry MusicHall...which has an entry level table for $200 with Cartridge...I wouldnt waste my time on a used table....there is too much risk