What do in store listening tests prove?

Please don't take this as the next swipe at retail HT stores. No hidden agendas to boost my ego or salve my conscience. Just a question that I know you all must have more experience with.

When you demo a piece in a theater or studio at a store, what is it really telling you? My instincts suggest to me that all you are really able to validate is how you like the products' sound or performance relative to the the other components it is attached to and the acoustical qualities (or lack thereof) of that particular room setup.

Is there any way to make some educated interpolation of how a product will sound in your own personal listening environment based upon how it sounds in the showroom, short of taking it home and demoing it?

In-store listening is the first step, sort of an introduction to the product that narrows your selection. The second step, and IMO the most important, is to take it home for evaluation to see how you like it in your environment. A repetitive and time consuming process, yes, but considering the price tag, a necessary one. What's the alternative? Buying without trying? Not for that kind of money.
I don't frequent high end salons often, but I was just at one on Saturday. What I learned was the most important thing is the recording. I stopped in to listen to their 'top room'. It had a pair of Dynaudio Confidence C4's being driven by $12,000 Krell monoblocks (I don't know the model number) through Transparent cables. I listened for a few minutes and was extremely unimpressed. The sound was sterile, and uninvolving. There was a guy in there drooling over the Krell monoblocks, I remember thinking 'Why? My system smokes this junk.'. Anyhow, I spent another 45 minutes going through other rooms, as I was getting ready to go, I stopped back into the Krell/Dynaudio room. The sound was phenomenal. I sat down and couldn't believe how rich, warm, BIG the sound was. It was a different cd playing. I always knew to bring my own software when making a serious audition, or it's best to try in your own system, but I had never heard a system change so much just by changing a disc. I left wondering why they would even play that first disc, it couldn't be good for sales. Although the guy drooling over the Krells didn't seem to notice.

Some very good responses so far. I do believe once you get experienced, you can get good guesstimate of what it will sound like in your room with your gear. Certainly narrows down the field to a usable size. The thought of trying every interesting piece in ones home is daunting. When would one forget about the gear and get on with what this is supposed to be all about; the music.
The two biggest variables you will encounter relate to software and room effects. These are even more significant if you are purchasing full range speakers. You can minimize the software variable by taking your own CDs/LPs, but you probably can not duplicate your room. Some dealers have very good rooms and others have horrible setups. Once you have shortened your list via in-store auditioning you will need an in home audition. Taking the piece(s) home over the weekend while the store is closed is best for the dealer as he/she can not sell if the demo unit is not in store. I do not think trying to do comparisons between similar prospective components at home the first weekend is wise. You may not have enough time to carefully absorb the differences. Be sure and get the unit(s) warmed up too. Take one piece home one weekend and the other the next. Take notes. Maybe do a "shoot out" on the third weekend?
In-store listening is to narrow your list to what you want to listen to at home at best.
If the set up is right, and associated gear matches well, you can at least get an idea of what you're dealing with at a store. Still ultimately, trying in your own home/system is ideal.