6922 tube companies, who do you like best?

In your experience and/or opinion, what 6922 tube manufacturer(s) do you like best (or least if you prefer) and why? (Feel free to compile a ratings list if you have experience with many.)
As far as new tubes go generally speaking Tesla's and Svetlana are the comapanies to go with.But because (driver)pre-amp tubes last so much longer it does make sense to invest in NOS.You might get some strong used tubes and compare them to others.If you went with say french Mazda's they would be cheaper than Tele's,Siemans,or Mullards.But this can be a fun thing to try and you wouldn't lose that much by buying and re-selling the ones that aren't used.
All your lovely opinions are cute!

Remain if will be financialy possible...?, ON NOS 6DJ8 family!

I fit to my recently gifted ARC-SP-9/2 with 2 Valvos (Philips/Holland), NOS E-188cc/7308 and sound just right!

Happy listening...