No Audiophiles in Hollywood

A thought just came to me that a lot of movies show us the lives of fictional people doing the everyday things that real people do. However, we never see anyone sitting down and listening to a high end system.

The only thing that I can remember is when the billionaire played by Robert Redford put on an LP on what appeared to be a high end turntable in the movie "Indecent Proposal".

I have never seen exposed tubes on-screen, or an amp of any type for that matter. Big speakers, seems hifi does not fit the decor scheme of movie sets, or more realistically, audiophiles are rarer on earth than Klingons and Romulans and hollywood does not know of their existence.

It would seem that some of the well heeled actors, directors and producers would own a killer 2 channel system and periodically include one in a scene when the character has discretionary income.

We've all seen scenes with the wife complaining about the husband always watching sports, but never complaining about him pampering his hi-fi rig.

We've all seen characters with automobiles and other toys that we've envied, but never a stereo system to make you salivate.

Anyone ever see a hi-fi system onscreen worth mentioning?

Just a thought.
The most memorable "system" for me in a movie was from Philadelphia, as mentioned previously by Tubedaddy. Tom Hanks was an audiophile, given the equipment he owned. But more than that, he was a very passionate listener of music. Touching scene in a very touching movie.....Let's also not forget the giant sub woofer/speaker in that Back to the Future movie. Maybe not high end, but wow.....
How about the credit for SOTA turntables at the end of House? I think I saw the turntable once or twice.
Don't know if anyone else caught this but I saw the latest Chrysler 300 commercial featuring fashion designer John Varvatos. It starts off with him buying a record at a record store and in the end he plays the record and then there is a cut to a shot of a blue meter on an amp. It looked like a an older McIntosh meter but I'm not sure the exact model of it. Also I couldn't ID the cart and table that were in the commercial. The cart was green and white.

This reminds me of that Acura commercial some time back where they are talking about luxury and there is one guy next to a sweet looking tube amp or integrated and he says it can produce frequencies a dog could hear.
In Pulp Fiction, when John Travolta picks up Uma Thurman at Marcel's house, the entertainment is music sourced from a reel-to-reel tape player in plain site. Next time I watch this I'll try to figure out what the make and model was.