VPI Magic Brick or Webster's Dictionary

Wondering: What's the difference between placing the VPI Magic Brick and Webster's Dictionary (Unabridged, of course) on top of your CD player? Would the latter give me more definition? Okay, okay, I'm sorry. Seriously, though. What would the difference be? This from the Department of Snake Oil.
If a fourth little pig were to build his house out of VPI Bricks, could the big bad wolf of audio neurosis still blow it down? (BluTac for mortar no doubt...)
Pickup one of those 10 lb. plastic covered dumb bells at SportMart. Just make sure to dust it once in awhile so that folks will think it gets some practical use.
I recently had a McCormack DNA-0.5 amp up-graded to Gold Revision by SMc, and during the up-grade process discussed vibration control w/ Steve McCormack. Steve recommended the "Shakti Stone" placed on top of the amp over the transformer-- or better yet placed directly on top of the transformer. I haven't tried this yet-- those things are sort of expensive-- but eventually I will. Anyone tried the Shakti Stones?

Right now I use a pair of 10 lb. lead deep sea fishing weights sitting on boards on top of the amp (to spread the weight more)-- can't actually tell if this helped sonics any but it added 20 lbs. of mass. I have the amp sitting on a 2 1/4" thick Boos Maple cutting board-- a very nice improvement. The maple board sits on cork/rubber footers by A'Gon member Rcreations. This was an excellent combo for this amp. Cheers. Craig
I have two Sunfire subwoofers stacked. They are not magnetically shielded, and I have been concerned about magnetic interaction in stacked configuration. Putting some steel in between the subs would make sense theoretically, to channel the fields and minimize field leakage into adjacent subs. I chose VPI Magic Bricks for this. Of course, there are less expensive alternatives.
Depending upon the desire for mass loading or absorbtion of interfering magnetic fields, either device may have its' place. These are two separate issues. The VPI may combine the effects, but is apparently technically challenged in the EMI absorbtion area.
Although I've not experimented with it very much, my limited experiences with mass loading found it to not be very effective, but that's for ME & will not necessarily reflect upon your own performance if you should decide to try it. You probably should; it's certainly easy enough to do so.
Regarding Craig's question (and thanks Craig for your maple board + IsoBlock report) I do use one Shakti Stone presently. I had it on a CDP & couldn't actually hear that it did anything there. When I moved it to atop of my Synergistic Master Control Center, it expanded the stage significantly. Placed it on the case directly above the transformer, which is centered front to rear & about 3" from the left side of the case. Simply unscrew the top of your MCC & you'll see the transformer so you'll know where to set the Shakti once you put the cover back on. I never thought about putting it inside, but that might be even more beneficial with the appropriate cautionary measures applied of course.