dedicated amp outlet vs avs 2000

I am setting up a new system but it would be very difficult to get a dedicated electrical outlet to that location in my house due to architectural limitations. Would connecting the amp, a Krell 300cx , to a monster cable avs 2000 and then connecting tha avs 2000 to the series electrical outlet be adequate to supply the amp. Any other suggestions.
I just (today) finished running dedicated lines to my equipment. It only took a year.
Find a way to run the dedicated lines. You will not be sorry.
That's exactly what i'm doing. No pc's for the time been. I will give you an update once i get my 4 dedicated lines done. Great listening.

Dedicated line gets my vote! If there is no way for this then consider PS Audio Ultimate Outlet for the amp and sell the avs-2000 to help pay for this. You may also consider U/O for your other gear or perhaps a Power Plant! Happy Listening

I am getting 4 dedicated lines; two 20 amp and two 15 amp, so as to be able to separate mono amps,digital and analog components. To keep things simple, i'll be using romex 10/2 for the 20-amp lines and 12/2 for the 15-amp lines. Cryo treated Hubbell 5362 outlets will finish the lines. If i need any post outlet power treatment i'll find out later. Though benefits may be realized with these, i think the dedicated lines will take most of the way there. I'll keep you posted. Thanks for your advise!

Make sure they circuit s are all from the same leg of the power coming in and make sure the lined are all the same length.