Electrical Question

I normally disconnect my power cords from the wall on my amps when not home or not using. I now have a amp where access to the outlet is not easily accessable. I assume the local amp on/off switch will protect from power surges etc., but what about lightning strikes ? . Will the on/off switch protect the amp ? . Can lightning "jump" the switch and cause damage ? ...... I do not like to use power conditioners/surge protectors with my amps....
I would think it would be OK. If you have a dedicated line, you could always shut the power off at the breaker when you are away.

I have only had minor lightning damage once; and it came in through the outside antenna wire and damaged the RF section of a FM tuner. Was repairable..

It also is possible to get surge protection for the whole house. Talk to your electric company.
As far as I know the only way you are 100% sure that you will be OK is pulling all plugs from the wall. As Sugar has advised look into getting the main box protected as an all encompassing solution.
Lightning strikes are probably less frequent than localized transformer problems on your local power poles transformers.

I tree once hit a pole in my neighborhood. It destroyed the services at several houses and fried many gadgets(computers, etc.)

The person who owned the tree paid for all of the damage through her insurance.