Amplifiers:A Keeper for Life. Do you know of one ?

Just wondering, with this audio merry-go-round of buying and selling, if anyone has an amp that will be a keeper for life. I haven't yet but came verrrry close once...
yeah, a parasound 2200 mk2.

w/ a few parts upgrades / removals, it makes a cheap, wonderful SPARE amp that approaches the high end. i'll keep it forever.

main amp? hah! all are subject to change.

(but i think jctubes is probably right too...i've got a cheap wavac that routinely blows me away).
The GamuT D-200 Mk.3 SS amp is very musically authentic sounding and satisfying. This amp is in league with the finest sounding SS and tube amps in the world. It runs cool and built to last for decades. I could enjoy this as my last amp!
This product does not exist. I owned a SUN 300B 20 watt push-pull amp that was great & my current amp Bruce Moore Dual 70 is also a keeper. Both of these amps I could live with forever but yet I find myself thinking of another SET amp. Isn't this part of the fun spending thousands of dollars and then lookig for the next amp months later?
Sonic Frontiers Power 1 amp. 55 watts of tube bliss. I've never been in a high-end audio store that had a system that sounded better than mine. Bold statement, huh? It's so musical, I can listen to it endlessly. I probably show up to work late 2 days a week just because I couldn't stop listening and next thing you know it's 3:30 AM.
When I get fired for being late so often, it'll be for sale on the 'gon, so be watching!

