New Guy asking for help

Need advise: Which is best for my budget, this or that? And is it better to use these with that or those with this? Or would you guys suggest the other way around? Also, I have the usual size room with a ceiling. Should that or this go on one side or on the other? Please be advice!
Only you can know the anwers to these questions! Go out and listed to this, compare it to that, and don't let anyone tell you what you like but you. For the room, contact Rives. Good luck, you'll need it!
Kubla, the answer to your query is, "yes, absolutely!" Other than that I advise you to look in the dictionary or a book on English grammar to learn how to properly use the words "advise," and "advice". How do you like my advice, so far? Is it all you were hoping for, more or less? :)