What was your first system, & did you like it?

I don't know if this is the spot to post this. Please tell me if not. Since I just put my first ever system together, I would be interested in finding out what some of you started out with,whether or not you liked it, and how much it cost. Sort of a nostalgia trip. I know mine is simple and just barely, if at all, considered "audiophile," but for a first, I love it. So here goes for my humble beginning.

CD - Yamaha 845
Amp - Yamaha RX-596 (integrated)
Speakers - B&W 601

Total cost used - $458
My first system (after suffering with an "all-in-one") consisted of:

Technics SU 8011 amp
Technics SL-B2 TT w/Audio Technica cart.
SOTA 3-way speakers
Sound Shaper One EQ
JVC KD-V100 cassette deck

I thought this system really rocked....I still have most of it in original boxes with manuals (sentimental fool), but gave some to my parents for their new sunroom.
Sent home a Sansui integrated amp,Sansui speaks and a big,beautiful Pioneer turntable,wish I had taken pics,cost around 450$,it was 1968,thanks for the memories,Bob
My first system, in the mid 50s, was a combination of hand-me-downs including an automatic record changer, tube integrated amp and speakers without cabinets. I later graduated to Dynakit 60s.

My first real system, in the late 60s, was when I bought a new MA5100 SS amp/preamp, Dual 1019 TT, and Altec Lansing 3 way speakers all of which I put into a Barzilay cabinet assembled as a kit. I still have the Mac and the Dual in my office system.

I stayed with SS until recently when I woke up and went back to tubes! Don't know why it took so long.
Well, my first system was a crystal radio set that I used to play with under the covers when I was supposed to be asleep. It worked pretty good, sometimes I even got LA!
But then me and my brother got a hand-me-down motorala combo tubed radio and 78 rpm platter. I think my first record was "Davey Crocket", and Yea, I loved it!
I loved my first system. I bought most of it in 1978-1979. I had a Yamaha CA600 integrated amp; Yamaha T-550 tuner, Pioneer HPM-40 speakers and a Pioneer turntable which I can't remember the model of. Guess what, I still have them all and all they still work perfectly.