Please help with room setup... thanks

I have spent so much time and money on equipment changes, and nothing on how I should set up my room. I would really appreciate any advice. Thanks in advance.

Here are the details.

Width: 14 feet
Length: 22 feet
Hight: 8 feet

complication *** I have a window with a heavy curtain on one side of the long wall (covering most of the wall) ***

I forgot to list the speakers. They are the Sonus Faber Cremona Amators. (Two way monitors).

Go to the home page and open up the Rives Audio chatroom/forum.
It is very difficult to set up a room correctly, for the
simple reason that room boundaries limit the preformance of
your equiptment. Acoustic treatment helps, especially corner treatments. side panels to catch the first reflection off your speakers. Also if you want to improve
the appearence of your room & help to acoustically treat,
Tapestries. These are drop dead gorgerous & help in sound. I have a large one on my back wall & it helps alot. Heirloom European Tapestries 1 800 699-6836, you can get some really nice stuff, but beware you think your stereo rig was expensive !
My advice is to recognize that room treatment (and vibration control) can make a huge impact on your system. Until you work on this, you are not getting the best from your equipment. So treat this as carefully and thoroughly as any component choice. I ended up spending much more on room treatment than I had in mind, but it has been worth every cent. Be prepared to noodle this for quite a while, as the combinations and placement of absorbtion and diffusion are trial and error. Having said that, though, there are some fancy computer programs out there that should take some of the guess work out of it. My sense from reading about them is that they are just as much work as trial and error, but your results will be perhaps less random.