All Sonic Frontiers System - Bad Idea??

I have heard many Sonic Frontiers products in different systems, and have always liked them. I have a Line 1 SE, and am considering purchasing a Power 1 or 2, and an SFD1 or SFD2. Has anyone owned this combination(s)? If so, what were your impressions?


I have SF Line 3 SE+ and a Power 2 SE+. Upgraded by Chris Johnson about 5 months ago. I will put this equipment up against MOST other equipment at more than double its price.
Reliability has NOT been a factor. Sound quality and imaging are phenominal.
I have a Phono-One, SFL-2, and a Power One and no complaints. I did upgrade the 6922 tubes to Brimars and the 6550s to KT 90s and the sonic improvement was noticeable. When I upgraded my turntable, the SFs equipment clearly passed the improvement down to the speakers which I guess is all one can ask. Excellent build quality and paraphrasing Semi a better bargain than the ARC at the same price level. Please don't think I'm bashing ARC because I've owned pre-amps and power amps from them also but I just believe you'll save money going the SF route. HTHs.
Thanks all. It would seem that I'm on the right track. I'm not at all concerned about reliability - I've owned SF preamps for 5 years with no issues whatsoever.
I upgraded (trade in) SFL-2 to Line 3 since 1998. I still own SFL-1, and a pair SFM-75 power amp. They have no problem whatsoever. Great products. For all who upgraded Line 3 to Line 3 SE, can you tell me the sonic significants. I try to justify the upgrade cost and effects. Any comments on the SE modification?