Amplifiers:A Keeper for Life. Do you know of one ?

Just wondering, with this audio merry-go-round of buying and selling, if anyone has an amp that will be a keeper for life. I haven't yet but came verrrry close once...
I'm still on my honeymoon with my Levinson 336.

Actually I have a few items that I don't see parting with. Among them my 10T's, CC5 and my Meridian 861.

My wife ain't bad either! :)
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Plinius SA 102s in XLR Dual differential fully balanced mode. 460 beautiful watts into an 8 ohm load, with a 4000 watt peak current capability for dynamic lift.
Really love they're line { Plinius } musical, smooth, non fatiguing sound yet assertive and masculine with proper dynamics.
Really the end for me, with tubed 2 channel sources and other various equipment/cabling and more Plinius electronics driving my speakers in a home-theatre/ stereo music setup, very gratifying products to come home to!
Exceptional pride of ownership as well as unique visual appeal.

As with any outstanding caliber of equipment it deserves the best partnering equipment and dedicated mains, and when all these parameters are met you'll be rewarded with fabulous sound reproduction in the home.



///Tim W.///