What is the best tweak?

Assuming you have all of the equipment you want (for now at least). What is the single best tweak for a system?

Speaker Cables
Power Cords
Isolation Devices
Room Acoustics
Dweller- My home is 15 years old, and this year was the first time I cleaned the grounding contacts. I guess it depends on where you live and the water/salt content in the air. I treated contact area with Caig R5 Power Booster(try some of this on your plugs), so maybe I'm good for another 15 years.

PS- before you disconnect the ground clamp for cleaning, run a jumper/bypass connection, just to be on the safe side.
Each one of your listed tweaks has had a major effect on my system. My Golden tympanics think that they hear a difference with the Cryoed Hubbell outlets. That may be the power of suggestion, for me, but the placebic effect (having a wife, who is a pharmaceutical rep, helps) may be what I'm really hearing. That little tweak, as well as cleaning posts etc. are an accumulative thing. I'm a nut job with electricity tweaking. Electrical properties and how they affect sound are quite a mysterious thing. I am going on my third power conditioner. I am waiting on delivery of my new Audio Magic Eclipse. My Stealth, and then my Matrix have been wonderful additions. In fact each one of those things on your list had major influences on my system. Perhaps, because I'm waiting on this new electrical wonder, that's what's on my mind, most. After break in, stay tuned for my thoughts. I, as well as all of the audiophools out there, can ramble on (quite cogently) about any one of those things on your list. I don't think of them as tweaks. They are major components of a sound system. Cleaning posts? Cryoed outlets? Spades rather than banana clips? Those are tweaks. peace, warren
Viva la differance, I now own 3, two that work and one for parts just in case one breaks.

If you own vinyl and can find one, buy it.

Here's a general answer to a general question. Pull your speakers at least three feet from their rear wall and put bookshelves(with books) or a cloth curtain behind them. Put large potted plants with small leaves at the first reflection points and a tapestry behind your listening couch.