Bi Wire Tweak

A friend told me when I biwire to leave only the jumpers in place on the negative posts. I did this and the improvement in sound is fantastic. Why should this work ? My speakers are Sonus Faber EA2's and my cables are Wireworld Gold Eclipse III biwire. A cheap piece of brass jumper made a great difference. Why ?
According to my analysis, any biwire improvement is due to the returns being separated, so it might make sense to leave the jumper on the High terminals only. That is oposite to what you describe. (I assume that the crossover is implemented on the High side of the drivers. It could be done the other way around).

If you want to investigate further, try long runs of #18 speaker wires, and you might hear something.
This is how I made the connection. My speakers have four binding posts: High, positive and negative and Low, positive and negative. What I did was leave the jumper attached to the negative posts. They in effect joined the negative posts. I attached the biwire cables as normal.
It was a big improvement. The sound was more detailed but also smoother. I took the jumper off a few times to make sure I was hearing an improvement. My conclusion is the jumper stays.
One more time for those of us in the slow group. This tweak leaves the negative posts still connected, in addition to both upper and lower sets of posts each receiving their own set of speaker wires, as in traditional bi-wiring?