Bi Wire Tweak

A friend told me when I biwire to leave only the jumpers in place on the negative posts. I did this and the improvement in sound is fantastic. Why should this work ? My speakers are Sonus Faber EA2's and my cables are Wireworld Gold Eclipse III biwire. A cheap piece of brass jumper made a great difference. Why ?
I think i've seen an older pair of biwire speakers (KEFs maybe) that had a single negative terminal. The configuration was arranged horizontally like this...

(+) (-) (+)

I'm curious now, so I am off to play with my jumpers.
(I am afraid of blowing up something, so awaiting conclusions from the braver-than-me caballeros.)
Do you guys ever read input by Jon Risch over on AA Cable Asylum? He is a regular poster and fairly knowledgeable/helpful about things related to cables, room treatment, and other topics. This link, and the related follow-ups on AA, may clear up some of your questions about the negative ground hookup.