Amplifiers:A Keeper for Life. Do you know of one ?

Just wondering, with this audio merry-go-round of buying and selling, if anyone has an amp that will be a keeper for life. I haven't yet but came verrrry close once...
The Lavardin IT, it`s a keeper, unlike you wan`t the hole set with the 2 monoblocks, but if i could affort them, i will still buy Lavardin!!!!
I own 2 Mcintosh MC2000's consecutive serial #'s. These are the most BEAUTIFUL pieces Mac ever made, its rare, its tubes and only 1200 to 13000 made worlwide! When you talk about collectability I think it beats most amps listed here. Oh yea...they sound pretty good too! I use mine as mono blocks....
Bryston B60 is a keeper for life for me. Either it's life or mine, whichever comes first. I'm 34, and by Bryston's track record, it'll probably outlive me!

There's better amps out there. But isn't there always better? If I win the lottery, if amplification goes through a renaissance, or if today's amps somehow become obsolete, it'll stick around as a second system amp.

I had it updated to the current SST status a few months ago for $125. In the 5 or so years I've owned it, I've never looked forward, backward or sideways.

Im not close minded and think I'll never prefer anything else or go through a phase where I want tubes, but again, I'll never get rid of it.

Or at least won't get rid of it until I have a son that's wise enough to appreciate it.
This thread made me think back to my first hifi shop experience...

I went in looking into buying a complete system. I didn't know much about hifi, but I like to think I knew what good sound was at the time. I wanted my music to sound like it does when I see my favorite bands live. That's still my philosophy, so I guess I was onto something.

That great dealer told me to put the majority of my budget into the amplification. Sources come and go - the best CD player will be on borrowed time after a good 10 years of constant use. Formats come and go. Speakers come and go - surrounds rot out, rooms change, and so on. The best amps from 25 years ago arent outclassed by what's currently on the market. They may have gotten incrementally better, but there hasn't been an amplification revolution by any means.

He was onto something. I understand the source first crowd. I understand the speakers first crowd. I think the best investment by far (other than the music) is the amplification. Not even close IMO.