The Great Cryo'd Outlet Test

Some have wondered about the Cryo'd outlet test that this skeptic has agreed to do, thanks to the generous loan of an outlet by another member. The situation is that the outlet, and its non-cryo'd twin have been breaking in for several weeks and I think we can agree they are ready for evaluation. Performing the tests will involve littering the room with various amps and speakers with the associated wires strung around, so, and I am sure you understand, I need to wait for a free day when my dear wife is elsewhere occupied.
A report will be made.
Hdm...Sure. Will ship to Stehno if someone gives me an address.

The Cryo'd outlet was in a carboard box, the other was not. I have mounted the two outlets in two electrical boxes, marked "A" and "B". One outlet had all four terminal screws, while the other had only two. I removed the extra screws (and put them in a plastic bag) so I don't think that anyone can tell one outlet from the other just by looking at them. I will ship the whole rig on to the next guy. When all the testing is done Hdm will have a handy heavy duty extension cord!

Of course I know whether the Cryo'd outlet is "A" or "B". I guess I will put this info in a sealed envelope and send it to Hdm to do what he likes with it. Obviously, people who test the outlets should not know. (Hdm might like to test his ears before opening the envelope).

Of course, if many people ran the test, guesswork would produce 50 percent correct choice. But perhaps more, or less. It would be interesting to take a poll without anyone listening, so that what you are guessing is eldartford's frame of mind, and whether he would tend to label the cryo'd outlet "A" or "B". This might introduce a significant bias into listening test results.
Ed: If it's easier, just send the receptacles (I certainly don't need the extension cord or boxes) to Stehno without the box that the one outlet came to you in. As you point out, anyone will have a 50% chance of identifying the cryoed versus non-cryoed. Before I sent the cryoed unit off to you, I did something that would allow me to identify it as the cryoed one anyway, so I'll be aware of which one it is and be able to confirm whether someone has identified the cryoed unit in a listening test. Stehno, where are you?
E-mail your address to Ed and prepare to be snake oiled! Perhaps these receptacles can do an Audiogon tour of duty!
Is this a test? Hdm, I'd be happy to try the outlets. But first let me share the electrical setup I have:

I have three dedicated lines going to two seperate FIM non-cryo-treated outlets. One outlet has been split so that my 20 amp line (amplifier) is plugged into the bottom receptacle and a 15 amp (cdp) is plugged into the top.

This outlet used for the amp and cdp is ungrounded at the outlet.(just not connected the grounding wire)

The second FIM outlet is a 15amp grounded line used for the preamp.

In addition, I've consistantly noticed the biggest electrical-type sonic improvements when changes are made to the amplifier's line/connectors/conditioners.

With that said, Hdm, if not done already, would you have a problem my severing the contacts between the lower and upper receptacles for the purposes of this test?

If that is not a problem, then I'll send Eldartford my address.

If you do not prefer my altering the outlets to maximize the differences, I can still A/B compare with the preamp outlet. But the differences (if any) simply would not be as evident.

Stehno, there may be a problem in that both these receptacles are 15 amp versions. If you have a 20 amp male plug on your amp or Foundation cord, it will not fit the receptacle. If you have a 15 amp plug on either, you will be able to use it on your amp/CD receptacle. You may only be able to use these on the preamp line.

That being said, these receptacles have not really been in use for a while and I don't see much use for them in the immediate future, so, what the heck. Ed, send them off to Stehno, and Stehno, feel free to break the tabs off for separate wiring (if you don't have a 20 mps male). You're missing one set of screws, but you can simply change the screws over from one receptacle to the other.
Hdm, Do I have to determine which set of screws are cryo-treated also? Well, okay. :)

All plugs are 15 amp styled into the wall. Only my LC-2 has a 20 amp IEC connector at the amplifier end.

I'll send Eldartford my address.