The Great Cryo'd Outlet Test

Some have wondered about the Cryo'd outlet test that this skeptic has agreed to do, thanks to the generous loan of an outlet by another member. The situation is that the outlet, and its non-cryo'd twin have been breaking in for several weeks and I think we can agree they are ready for evaluation. Performing the tests will involve littering the room with various amps and speakers with the associated wires strung around, so, and I am sure you understand, I need to wait for a free day when my dear wife is elsewhere occupied.
A report will be made.
Hdm and Stehno...Ok. I will dismount both outlets from the boxes, put the extra screws back into the outlet they came in, and ship the outlets, and the box (empty) on to Stehno. He will not know which outlet is Cryo'd. Of course I do. If I had claimed to hear an effect, my claim would be suspect. I don't think that knowing which is which has any significance in context of a claim to hear nothing.

I still have a bit more to do in my evaluation. Will let you know when I ship the stuff.
Eldart, If I were you I'd send Stenho two NON Cryo'ed outlets, sit back and have a great laugh!
That's what Hdm did. :-)

I feel like I'm witnessing history in the making, or something.
Psychicanimal...No, I wouldn't do that, and I don't think Hdm did it to me. If beliefs require deceit to support them, I am not interested.

Two points that ought not to be forgotten.

1. I am doing this experiment to satisfy myself, not to convince anyone else. It all came about because, when I expressed doubt about Cryo benefits, the usual refrain "you can't have an opinion unless you have listened" was thrown at me. I said that I couldn't justify the expense of a Cryo outlet to test an idea which I thought was invalid. Hdm called my bluff, and offered the outlets. How could I refuse to give it a fair test?

2. I do not deny that some people may hear an effect from cryo'd outlets. I just believe that the effect is due to psychological factors.
Eldart: I would definitely pull such a prank! It would be excellent...

1) Never pass up an audition.

2) The effects of proper cryo treating are easily heard. I can even hear difference between my Jena Labs cryo'ed Absolute Power Cord and Lak's "half ass cryo'ed" Absolute Power Cords (they were not done correctly--although very cheap--at a local cryo treatment facility).