Digital Direct TV vs HD via Cable

Will be getting an LCD TV. I have cable with the option to receive HD television with the purchase of their cable box and a fee per month. I may also be able to (they have to send someone to evalutate) get Direct Digital TV. Which one should I go with? Pros and cons? I'd appreciate the feedback. peace, warren
The best picture is over the air HD and its free..Hd network off air decoded thru a sat box looks better than cable network hd..At a store I ran we could abcd Direct TV, Dish, Insight cable, and off air hd going thru the tv's built in hd tuner..Tom
Edesilva...The dish has a built-in level, and the adjustments have angular scales, so all you need is a boy scout compass. Clue me in...what is the drinking straw for?
This is pre-actual ownership to see if you can get it. You get on your roof with the compass, you figure out the direction of the satellite, you use the level and the protractor to figure azimuth, lining the straw up on the protractor, and then you look through the straw to see if there is a big building or tree in the way... Frankly, I just got on my roof, eyeballed it, and said "yeah, this will work." For areas where large trees exist, or where you are attempting a ground install, or shooting between buildings, the whole compass/protractor/level/straw thing is more accurate.

The whole thing made me recollect an episode in my neighborhood as a kid where the cops were trying to figure out who shot a bunch of bb's through a window. They stuck drinking straws in the bb holes and looked through them. The all lined up with one particular window in a neighbor's house...