Power cords?

Intrigued by the thought of adding aftermarket power cords to my modest HT components.
Current power cords appear to be hard wired.
Denon avr-1803
Polk Audio powered sub psw-350
Can it be done?
Would it be a waste of my time?
Any comments or suggestions would be appreciated.
Marakan, are you simply listening to music these days and not power cords?
I recently tried an upgrade that is useful for fixed power cords, Lloyd Walker's wipe on SST (super silver treatment) signal enhancer, which comes with supply of excellent applicators (which could do double duty as cosmetic eye makeup applicators). It also "upgrades" interconnects, making purchase of new wires less urgent, if you have a yen to better your system's performance.
I also plugged my older components, with their fixed power cords, into the top of the line Mapleshade power strip, and was pleased how this improved the overall performance throughout the entire frequency range
By the way, there is a lower priced wipe on signal enhancer, SilClear, with a description resembling that of the Lloyd Walker SST product, but without the extra supply of special applicators, on the Mapleshade Records website.
I to have fixed cords. Looked into replacing them was very expensive to add IEC adapter. I settled for the power wraps that are sold at various places on audiogon. I put one on each component @ $25.00 per. Even my wife could hear the difference they really work. Made system quieter or blacker as some people call it, and improved my sound stage. I even used them on components that had removable cables. Try one or two for your self and post your experience. I curious if anyone have used them and with what results.