12 volt battery as power source

It seems that battery powered devices could eliminate many issues caused by bad wiring, power grid inconsistancies, contamination from appliances, dimmers, etc. That said does anyone think that a 12v deep cell battery hooked up to a 110ac power inverter or similar set up could be a good thing in a power efficient set up?

deep cycle battery:

12v dc to 110v ac converter:
Well running off of battery is good. Running off a power inverter is not. The ac that comes out is worse than what comes out of your wall. Both of my amps, my turntable, and phono stage run off of battery (but all were designed that way), Digital is next. No expensive power cords, no power filtration, no waiting for "magic time"
I configured a 12v battery power supply for my DAC and let me tell you about the noise floor - what noise floor! Infinitely better than the wallwart ps it came with. Not sure about other gear's battery applications but one of the side benefits of using a battery for a DAC is you don't return any of the digital "noise" back into your power sources via a power cord. Many people like to isolate their digital gear from other components and do so in a variety of ways and this is just another one...
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