Amplifiers:A Keeper for Life. Do you know of one ?

Just wondering, with this audio merry-go-round of buying and selling, if anyone has an amp that will be a keeper for life. I haven't yet but came verrrry close once...
Definitely the Parasound JC1 monoblocks. I'll buy them all over again if I have to.
Have to agree...the Sanders Magtech is hard to beat. Great value on the dollar. You will have to spend many times more to better the Magtech. Roger Sanders stands behind his products 100 percent. He offers the best customer service in the industry. He offers a free 30 day home trial period and pays for shipping back and forth. I tried it and it was a keeper for sure.
Conrad Johnson Premier 350. AMAZING amplifier. Detail/soundstage is incredible, tones are natural/lifelike, and power on tap is very impressive. I never imagined that such detail and soundstage was present in my music. Sound is not too warm, not too cold and sterile. I struggle for any other adjectives than it sounds lifelike. Whatever information is on the recording will be extracted in lifelike/natural tone, detail, and soundstage. It will drive any speaker you can throw at it. Every time I press play, I marvel at how transformative this amp has been to my system.

After a 10-year journey, I'm done (as far as amplifiers go). I love this amp.
Rogue Audio Cronus Magnum with NOS signal tubes. It leaves nothing to be desired in my den.
I can't afford the many tube amps, preamps and including solid state or FET amps the fortunate members here have and I ENVY all of you for having awesome amps and preamps. I'm happy to have my CARVER/SUNFIRE AMPS since I am a carver fan. My future plan is to get more tube amps that I would hang on for life. I am currently happy with my paxthon integrated tube amp which matches well with my ess heil 1d loudspeaker and grant fidelity cd 427 tube player. I agree with the tube people. I didn't know how clean tubes are till I bought me one.