Balanced Power Conditioner, need suggestions...

I currently have a BPT 2 conditioner (on dedicated line w/ upgraded outlet) that accomodates most of my system; amp, preamp, cd player, rptv & line doubler. The addition of the balanced power unit has made the most pronounced impact on the video side. My tv PQ has never been better. On the audio side the improvements are more subtle, more extended bass and quiter background. Overall, very happy with this selection.

My question, I have a dvd player, vcr and satellite receiver that are not in close enough proximity to use the bpt conditioner & are plugged into an inexpensive monster strip. This is not on a dedicated line, but has an upgraded outlet (a porter hubbel). Given the improvements I have already achieved with the bpt, will there be any additional benefit to do the following:

1. add a bpt cpc or ps audio power strip with an extended PC (2.5m) and plug it into the bpt?
2. get a cpc w/ a tranformer or small equitech conditioner for these three devices & plug directly into the wall?
3. leave it alone with the likely improvements being too incremental to be worth it?

Any recommendations or additional suggestions.
thank you.
get another power conditioner,( I'm an Audio Magic fan), and plug it into another dedicated line. Plug in your cdp, and all your digital. Keep that apart from your analog and your system will thank you. And you'll thank me. peace, warren
Try a standard 3 prong extension cord from the bpt to these remote components. They will be receiving balanced power thru the extension cord and it will give you an idea of whether or not option #1 is worth it.
I also have a BPT-2 and find the video improvement great, but audio not quite up to my power plant P-300. I DO have the P-300 plugged into the BPT-2. Good luck!!!