FM Antenna positioning question

I am considering purchasing a Radio Shack (6 element) antenna, it is only $24; I am using a dipole now. I have a small station a little ways away that I occasionally enjoy, but I have to fight static a lot.

My question is this, this station is to my west, this is most likely the only station I will listen to that is to my west, all other stations are powerful stations to my north or southeast. If I point this antenna to the west, will these other stations still come in?
Get a vintage Radio Shack "archer" Indoor,amplified,FM antenna.
High/low gain setting.It has a dial to tune in the frequency you want.
Looks kind of like a flying saucer.
eBay ~ $10 + s/h and be done with your search.
Check out the Radio Shack 15-1833 FM indoor antenna.
One on eBay right now.
Years ago,Stereophile reviewed it and gave it high marks.
Opening bid $1