Now I Really Need a Power Conditioner? ?

I have just returned from a survey of a new house in the coutntry, where my wife and I have been hoping to close on the deal in the next week or so.

Just when I thought there couldnt possibly be any more expenses involved in this new venture for us, our new neighbors have informed us that branches and trees fall frequently in the Winter, and knock out the power lines sometimes for a couple of days or so.

I can survive without heat, food etc., but I would really be traumatized to be without music and audio during these times.

Therefore, could any of you please explain if you have any experience with electrical generators, which ones I might review, and if there are any that could possibly power up a few lights, TV etc and still keep my Levinson amp happy?

Could there possibly be an "audiophile" generator?

Any ideas greatly appreciated.
Whatever you decide on, by law, you must install a transfer switch that takes your home off the grid when using the generator

Let's not confuse these two issues. Yes you MUST isolate your load from the distribution-grid, but that is accomplished via a DISCONNECT which is not necessarily a line-transfer switching device. You MUST be isolated; a transfer switch is only one of the ways in which to accomplish that.
I have lived in an area with very frequent power outages for 13 years. Often we have a 3 or 4 day outage. Sometimes we are out for a couple of weeks. Life without power can be really miserable. Given a long outage, you will need heat, water, food, etc. At least in my area, when major outages occur, many times the roads are closed and businesses close. With profit pressures on local utilities, you can expect more frequent problems and longer duration events in the future.

Here is a place to look at possible solutions.

Although not cheap, I believe a whole house solution is the best. In addition to a generator (I think 20KW is about the right size for most modern houses), you will need a 200 amp transfer switch. The total cost will be around $10,000 plus installation. Peace of mind is expensive.

You will also need a voltage regulator for use on you system as all generators have problems maintaining constant voltage.
Edward are you referring to the commonplace Sola regulator constant-voltage-transformer? Or just an active-type AC line conditioner for the audio rig such as Equitech / Exact Power / Balanced Power Technology etc? I too am concerned about spikes & noise, although Byfo's experience indicates no issues in that respect. I only use a passive line conditioner incorporating MOV-type transient supressors, which so far hasn't exhibited any problems...