ipod/itunes problems

since 4.7 came out i cannot play or load my ipod without skipping or a "tape dropout" type problem occuring. i am using with a new dell and all drivers are updated. i only transfer music from prerecorded cd's. if i play the music on home system or computer using windows media or real player problem disappears. i looked on apple's discussion section and it looks like it is happening on other people's units. i have 2 40 gig units and it does it on both. any suggestions???
You'll have to excuse me on this one, but I don't think ipod anything has a place here.
Merganser, you'll have to excuse me on this one, but if redbook CD has a place here so does the ipod with its cabaility to store about 80 CD's in redbook quality.

Round, I have read about similar problems before:

Troubleshooting the iPod and iPod mini

Sounds dropouts, pauses [Added May 28th, 2004]

The iPod and iPod mini both sport a 32MB RAM buffer. When a track commences, the iPod caches the audio (up to 25 minutes) in the buffer, allowing for uninterrupted play if the hard drive is disrupted, as well as increasing battery life by accessing the hard disk less frequently.

If files exceed this 32MB buffer, the iPod has to re-access its hard drive, in some cases causing the audio dropout.

Have fun enjoying your music anywhere you go. Good luck

11-14-04: Merganser
"You'll have to excuse me on this one, but I don't think ipod anything has a place here."

Lighten up Frances. Music formating is going this direction whether you like it or not. The iPod is a great component.

I saw this as well but have not experienced it with mine. I would pick up the phone to Apple Support or take it to an Apple Store and visit the Genius Bar. You will surely get some answers and hopefully a rememdy. Good Luck!
