Effects of magnetic fields

Since we can usually clearly see The effects of magnetic fields from speakers on tube televisons , isnt is possible that to some degree , the magnetic field of unshielded speakers can influence the performance of our audio components. For example if your audio rack in not centered in your room , perhaps off to a corner and you have a floor standing speaker within 12 inches of you pre , amp , or cdp, is it possible their can be an effect on the components performance ?
That's an interesting question. Any flow of electrons has an associated magnetic field. Any magnetic field will have an effect on the flow of electrons in it's vicinity. That's how transformers work and how magnets can affect a picture tube.

So the short answer is yes, all of these fields and flowing electrons interact. Is it audible? It depends on the strength of the signal being affected compared to the orientation and the strength of the magnetic fields trying to affect it.

Put a phono stage dealing with very small signals next to a big power amplifier with large transformers and it is very easy to hear the humming that results because the large fields from the amp transformers induce currents in the phono stage, but the phono stage will have a much smaller effect on the amp.

It is directly proportional to the strength of the field, the distance betwen the devices, and how they are oriented.
Yes it's possible to hear the effect.

The proximity of my HT sub woofers effect the sonics of my Soundlab Ultimates by disrupting the back-plate (power supply). The sound is improved proportionately by increasing distance between the large woofer and the Soundlab as well as removing the power cord of the sub from the wall outlet.

Guess the Soundlab doesn't like the field from the amp either.
Yes I thought so. I was told today by Chris at Legacy Audio that when they ship speakers on an Airplane by law they must be 18 inches from certain parts of the aircraft because of the magnetic field. Also I notice the performance of my Audio Magic Eclipse PLC seems to waiver if its in too close in proximity to large woofers. Also my speakers tend to sound better if they are spead apart further than conventional suggestions. Could it be because when they are spead out , they are further from my electronics ? Interesting.
I'm still trying to figure out what the magnet in a Verdier TT must do to the field around a phono cartridge. Must not be a problem but you would think there would be some effect.
Albert is their any way to easily measure it ? Do not know too much about it , except I believe the positive magnetic field generally moves forward, the negative , backwards , as in the back of the speakers, is that correct ? I wonder, in the context of how my equipment always seems to sound different depending upon where it is placed in my room . Trying to do Audio and Video, their are so many variables . Thanks !