How good is the Shunyata Venom Silver A/C outlet?

I thought my Wattgate A/C outlet was expensive, but I just saw a Venom A/C Outlet in the 2005 Musicdirect catalog listing for $195! Can this outlet really be that good? Thanks! Stan
Hi Sherod, I had the old style Shunyata Venom Silver outlet. I sold it about 6 months ago and replaced it with another Wattgate 381. Presently, I have one Isoclean ICP-002J outlet for my sources and three Wattgate 381 outlets for my Pass Labs gear--(preamp and two monoblock amps). What I found, when used to feed my preamp, was that the Wattgate resolved better, was more extended at the frequency extremes, had better dynamics and was smoother. The Shunyata Venom Silver outlet was a little more musical with better texture, but the textured sound was slightly aggressive. In my system the Wattgates seem to work better. I am using an original Shunyata Hydra to feed my sources and I have a Shunyata Anaconda Alpha Helix powercord between my Isoclean outlet and the Hydra. I like Shunyata gear very much, but their outlet just didn't work that well in my system. Best wishes. Stan
Thanks for the update Stan. I'm curious what other outlets you tried. I've had the FIM 880 and am currently using Porter Ports with good results. I've never tried the Wattgates, but I might try one soon. I've also heard from other members that the new P&S MRI cryo'd outlets are very nice sounding.
Hi Sherod, The only other outlets that I have tried were a couple JPS Labs outlets. They were in my system for about 1 year. I found the JPS Labs outlets to be smooth with a slight tube-like sound, but it didn't resolve near as well as the Shunyata or Wattgate outlets. It was a little closed in at the frequency extremes also, but keep in mind that the JPS Labs outlet is a $40 outlet, while the other two outlets are 2-3 times that price. Take care. Stan