Someone w Experience Active/Passive Biamping

I'm considering either line level active crossover to biamp my Magnepan 1.6QR's, or speaker level passive crossover to do same.
I'm seeing on the MUG website that line level active xo is better, since the signals are "treated" prior to amp getting them. The Behringer 2496 has been suggested for me to use.

Anyone confirm, challenge this? I'm willing to bypass the Maggie caps, inductor etc. in order to do the Behringer thing, but I'd like to hear pro's/con's prior to executing the change.

Some may be fans of speaker level passive crossovers. I was planning on building my own, but those using the line level active crossovers are insisting it's inferior. Comments?
Biamping with an active crossover is a better solution.

Low power line level signals in the active crossover are much more easily and elegantly handled, than trying to handle them in a high-power element like in the speaker.

Also, if you run each channel of the amp full range, and then filter the signals at the speakers, some of the advantages of biamping are negated. If you use the active filters, each amp channel is only required to amplify a portion of the signal, and thus has more power and headroom available for each driver. And each driver can be driven directly by the amp(s).

I'd strongly consider using the active biamping arrangement, even though it needs more cables, and does increase the signal path length and complexity, it is a job better done at the line level.

As per Tom above -- by far better.
I'd add the possibility to use passive line-level xovers too.
The Behringer is very versatile (& presently on special $230 offer, too). While its sound may not match a top-notch DSP, the sonic results of active bi-amping will far outweigh the losses incurred through spkr level filters & full-range driven amps. Also consider that the 2496 is a keeper as a tool, too: for diying filters & (why not) spkrs systems.
IMHO, etc, cheers
I am (1)..a strong advocate of biamping, and (2) owner of MG1.6 speakers. In spite of this I suggest that biamping the MG1.6, between the woofer and tweeter panels may not be the best thing to do. (Biamping between a subwoofer and the MG1.6, what I do, is fine).

My reasons are as follows:

1. The Magneplanar drivers are not like ordinary cone drivers, and their frequency response is "taylored" by tension and weights. The crossover uses different low rolloff and high pass frequencies, and slopes.

2. The passive crossover is very simple, and easily upgraded. The Solen capacitors don't need to be replaced. An air core inductor should replace the single iron core inductor of the stock crossover.

3. Hooking up a tweeter directly to a power amp (without a capacitor) makes me nervious. Power amps have a way of going "thump" or "buzzzz". Hopefully the fuse will save your ass. You didn't bypass the fuse, did you?

4. Cost and complexity.
As any Linn person will tell you, active multi-amping is the way to go. However, this presumes that the speaker is designed to be upgraded in this fashion. Many speakers are designed as a total package, drivers are matched to the crossover as it is presently implemented. If you start messing around with the crossover, the speaker may behave in a way that the designer hadn't anticipated. Unless you've asked the manufacturer whether the speaker can be used with an active crossover, it's a leap of faith whether it will improve its performance. I would have regard to Eldartford's comments.