Best location for isolation cones.

Just got 4 sets of Dayton Audio Black Chrome Isolation cones delivered yesterday.

Due to the space constraints on my rack, i couldnty put em under the gear like i had intended, instead i put them beneath each subwoofer which gives righter more defined bass.
However, i also put a set beneath each speaker stand. I also have a new rack.

The imaging seems to have suffered a bit. Are isolation cones beneath speaker stands a bad way to go? Seems the imaging was a little bit better before i put them into play, but with the new rack i just put in im not entirely positive which is giving me a hard time

Ive never used these before so i dont know if there any big NO-NOs associated with such a thing.

Any advice?
TWL, Diddnt expect a whole lot. LOL

well, on the speakers i see 2 ways of connecting them

the first method which im currently using is to use the supplied foam sticky things between the cone and speaker.

The 2nd method would be to ditch that sticky foam thing and unscrew the cones and take the top part with the threaded post through the speaker stand then screw the bottom of the cone into the remainder of thread that is sticking out of the bottom of the speaker stands. That would make a pretty solid connection to the speaker. How i currently have it with the foam thing the speakers basically have suspension. LOL
Or you could cough up $40 for the speaker spikes...maybe?
Setting the top heavy speaker 'n stand on sponge-topped cones is your problem. I am sure being made from the wrong kind of brass is another major issue - good grief - but method two seems like a solid ticket. Hope it works.

Banksfriend - most of the time Twl discloses that the sells audiopoints. I guess he's in Clark Kent mode, right now.

"A cone is not a cone.

It depends on how well engineered the "cone" is.

They are not all the same, and cannnot be lumped into one category.

Some points will do wonders, while others just don't."

You have to get Audiogon to incorporate flashmedia.
TWL is correct. Not all cones/spikes/points are created equal. And as far as I know, if the cone is a metal material, then labeling it as an isolation cone should minimally be considered a misnomer but is more likely an oxymoron.

Regardless, the ideal placement for your cones should be to place one directly underneath the power supply of the given component and the two where ever to stabalize the component. Power supplies generate a hum/vibration and by placing your cone directly underneath it, you are giving that internally generated vibration the greatest opportunity to exit the component before it spreads around the chassis.

As for the speakers, I've tried several different methods and different cones. Not one of them made a different until I obtained the proper sized AudioPoints that thread and tighten into my speaker stands which are threaded into the speaker cabinet. Only then was there a difference and the difference was incredible after settling.

Yes Slappy, Ohlala is correct about the foam tape being a "no-no" with these things. Definitely get that out of there, because it is eliminating any chance of the cones working at tall.

Although most people already know I'm with Starsound(maker of Audiopoints), I was in "Clark Kent" mode, because I was trying to get my point across without blabbing our product's name all over the page. Now it seems I can't "not mention" our product either, without drawing some fire. I simply tried to deliver useful information without mentioning our products by name.

But anyway, Ohlala was right about his technical point regarding the foam sticky tape.

Banksfriend(and others):
I use Audiopoints and Sistrum platforms in my system, and I also work for the company.