whom do i get to fix a ground loop hum?

is it the cable guy(i heard) or do i need an electrician? thanks, d. p.s. i am using cheater plugs now but they only diminish the hum. thanks!

Does the CALRAD have the badwidth to pass a digital signal?


Will the Calrad 75-504 allow digital signals to pass through it?

The Jensen has a Freq Range of 2 - 1300 MHz, where the Calrad 75-504-DC DC Ground Blocker & Isolation Transformer has a Freq Rance of 54 - 890 MHZ.

Sorry for the incomplete information earlier: From the Calrad manual: "
Although the CALRAD 75-504 can actually meet the basic frequency response
requirements ..., the relection coefficient ... is not low enough at the
frequency extremes to prevent long cable runs from introducing ripples in the
response that disrupt the digital communication. ... . For this reason, we do
not recommend trying to use the 75-504 for either Digital Set top cable
boxes or broadband cable modems. It will not harm the system in any way if
you do try it to see if it will work"

More from the CALRAD manual:

Insertion loss: 1.5dB
Frequency: 5 MHz - 1000 MHz

I only had it connected with regular (analog cable) where it worked great. I
have not tried it with digital cable. I am really not that much of a TV person, I
only get the very basic, local 10 channel package. Not even close to the
digital 100+ channel package.
Excellent. For the past 6 years I've simply had to unplug the cable every time I turned on the main amp -- the ground loop hum is so loud it's almost painful. I've gotten so used to just unplugging it, I forgot to keep looking for a better solution. Getting a blocker on the coaxial line coming in (as apposed to the rat-shack variant that is RCA) would be super fine.