Very surprising to read the contents of your post to say the least. From what I read, it seems that you have not heard about all of the controversy surrounding Joe Fratus, and how he misrepresented his association with Art Audio as well as leaving several customers high and dry with partial or full deposits kept, but no amplifiers received. The last I heard, another distributor (Hudson Audio?) was in charge of distribuyion, and Joe was nowhere to be found. As I remember, neither Hudson nor Art Audio UK were taking responsibility for the customers who got stiffed.
At the time, this was a big deal, so big in fact that I think that the thread was discontinued if not erased.
I actually checked that date on your post to make sure that this wasn't a few years old!
Very surprising to read the contents of your post to say the least. From what I read, it seems that you have not heard about all of the controversy surrounding Joe Fratus, and how he misrepresented his association with Art Audio as well as leaving several customers high and dry with partial or full deposits kept, but no amplifiers received. The last I heard, another distributor (Hudson Audio?) was in charge of distribuyion, and Joe was nowhere to be found. As I remember, neither Hudson nor Art Audio UK were taking responsibility for the customers who got stiffed.
At the time, this was a big deal, so big in fact that I think that the thread was discontinued if not erased.
I actually checked that date on your post to make sure that this wasn't a few years old!