For anyone interested, I have listed factory assembled ESL panels, HV Bias supplies and step-up transformers in AudiogoN. Search by "Amantis Audio ELP-38's". The price for everything is $475.00 plus shipping. However, I do have a firm offer to buy but haven't received payment yet. If the deal falls through I can contact you. Shipping of all cartons will be $75-$100 by UPS 3 day ground, depending on where you live. The Amantis Audio company, unfortunately is now out of business. Over the last 15-20 years, I also have tried building the Sanders/Hermeyer panels and direct drive tube amps. I also agree with others in regard to cautioning potential buyers of the David Lucas products. The following back issues of Speaker Builder: 2/80, 3/80, 4/80 & 4/82 and The Audio Amateur: 3/72, 4/72, 3/73, 4/75, 2/77 & 3/77 are good sources for DIY construction articles.