Biwire or Jumpers: which is better?

A salesman recently told me that jumpers provide better sound that biwiring. The store is very upscale, all the usual hi end brands and prices. Any comments?
I have tried it both ways with my old Vandersteens. I found that the biwire was superior in performance. It seems to be common wisdom as well. I have heard that you can further improve performance by bi-amping as well with your better quality amp on the high range. I have not tried this.
get 20 or 30 feet of cheap cable, like monster hp, or close and try it yourself. your best judge is your own ears. give yourself time to adjut for decrease in quality if you use better single wire cables at the moment.
I have experienced significant improvements by biwiring (even non biwire speakers improve from biwiring) I have heard people say that biwiring doesn't result in improvement, but it certainly did for me.
I find myself in a similar dilemma. I have been told both sides by reputable dealers. I have Linn amps which are specifically configured for multi-wiring, so perhaps to an extent it is equipment-dependent whether or not an improvement is wrought by bi or tri-wiring. Quality of cables and of course length of the runs come to mind as well. Good Luck.