CD player finally died. Need rec.

Help!!! My Sonagraphe CD player has finally expired. It gave me over 6 years of great sound, but it has now been silenced. I want to replace it with a DVD/CD player, but, I don't know of any that are Reference quality at a good deal. On the other hand, should I stick with CD only for now??? Please help!!! I want to buy today.
Check out CAL LABS CL -20 or the ARCAM 9 or the RESOLUTION AUDIO CD-50,I`am looking to upgrade myself to one of these and a NEW turntable too,don`t know what to get yet as far as turntable, but I`am sure I`ll get plenty of help here from my hard nose LP buds when I ask!!!!!! Greg
Bday, forget the LP.....Right LP equipments are even tougher than taking care of a one year boy. Stcik with CDs. U probably are not do or dier insane audio critic. My suggest is to get a NEW CD player. Amps, Pres or speakers, u can get it used and it is OK..A CD players get it new. Not only is there upgrades in tech but also there are too many parts that can be worn or "go old" in a CD player. If u are an average listener go try Rega, Acram, Cal Labs, adcom, sony etc..Go try DVD player...I bought a cheap Toshiba DVD player and it does not sound that bad at all. It sounds bit bright and the sounds are bit closed in. Well it does not cost 3000.00. U just got to decide how much u are willing put out for a CD player. From previous experience, I would go the Denon, Cal Lab, sony or Adcom around 1000.00
To increase sound stage from digital source, get another amp and a pair of speakers that have opposite charateristics from ur existing speakers.
Gee, everybody's gone ape$#!+ in this thread the last couple of days! HERE'S MY LONG AND BORING PHILOSOPHY (heh heh): It's almost impossible to get truely highend sound from CD if you're spending less than $1000 on a player (DVD or CD). I'M GLAD "DRUMSGREG" IS CONSIDERING A CD50. He won't be disappointed. I agree with "David99" (except he needs to change his name to "David2000", or "00", heh heh). Below $1000 or so, vinyl will beat CD BY QUITE A BIT. But the perentage of the total potential of each format is more or less the same in the $1000 to $4000 range (which means vinyl of course still beats CD, but by not quite as wide a margin). I AGREE IT CAN BE A PAIN TO DO THE BLACK DISC RITUAL SOMETIMES, that's why I enjoy both CD and LP...I THOUGHT A GREAT MANY OF US DID/DO...And in 5 or 10 years, we'll all be enjoying CD, LP, and additionally whatever high rez digital format takes off by then. ALL THAT SAID, the new affordable upsampling DACS from Perpetual technologies, MSB, and Bel Canto SHOULD DEFINITELY HOLD ALL OF OUR ATTENTION, WHERE QUALITY AFFORDABLE CD PLAYBACK IS CONCERNED...
I have had wonderful sound from my Audiolab 8000 CD player. This is the all-in-one unit. Check the reviews and try to audition one. Your ears will tell you what to get.