
Has anybody out there had any experience with this combo? Wadia 830,Pass Aleph 3,and Avalon Arcus. Oh,and Audioquest cables. Thanks
No experience with that combo, but I can tell you that the Pass Aleph 3 works beautifully with a 10K ohm passive preamp with Quad ESL 63's, against all expectations. The Wadia 830 will have a bigger output than my Sonic Frontiers SFCD-1, so I don't think you can go wrong.
I own the Avalon Arcus and have heard the Wadia 830 on my system. The rest of my gear is Audio Research Pre-Amp and Amp, Audioquest and MIT cables. What are your questions??
Few years back, in Vegas, i had chance to visit "Wadia" room at the "....Nugget". I dont know, what was Wadia model, but i remember two VAC, monoblocks, and two Avalon, i believe "Osiris". SHIIIT MAAN! the best thing i ever heard, till this day...!!
The Pass Alph 3 is a fine amp but don't give-up on tube amps with the Avalon speakers. I have the Wadia 830 and love it!!!